Safeguarding Refresher Course
in Education
This online Safeguarding Refresher Course in Education reinforces key safeguarding knowledge, without having to repeat the full introductory online safeguarding course. It summarises the types and signs of abuse, early help support, online safety in schools, radicalisation and offers a synopsis of reporting protocols, along with a review of the latest updates in statutory guidance.
Designed for educational staff, this course offers a review and information refresh for those who have previously completed detailed safeguarding training.

£30.00 + VAT
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Key Features

Course Content
This Safeguarding Refresher Course in Education offers a review of key legal obligations and enables you to revisit the foundational knowledge needed for any role responsible for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people in education. You will:
- Get an overview of the legislation that influences safeguarding in education.
- Be able to identify the four main types of abuse and the signs of abuse and neglect.
- Explore the concept of early help support.
- Learn how to report concerns and access support when needed.
- Recognise vulnerabilities to extremism.
- Understand online safety risks in schools.
This module will review the course's learning objectives.
In this module, you will receive an update on the main legislation and guidance implemented to help safeguard and protect children and young people in the United Kingdom, including the recent updates to the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. You will also gain a snapshot of the different definitions of safeguarding and the varying roles of various safeguarding partners.
Recognising the main types of abuse helps identify the warning signs in children who may be vulnerable or at risk. Understanding these forms of abuse (physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect) allows educators to intervene early, provide appropriate support and prevent further harm.
This module offers a concise overview of the signs of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, along with neglect. Additionally, the module covers key safeguarding issues and how they may manifest themselves.
In this module, you will learn about the meaning of 'Early Help' support and its significance in children's welfare.
You will also learn how these services are part of a broader ‘continuum of support’, know as the 'threshold of needs'.
This module reviews the role of online safety within schools and provides examples of school policies in this area.
This module offers a concise summary of the definitions of extremism and radicalisation, explaining how these concepts pose safeguarding risks in educational settings. It also introduces the Prevent Duty strategy, outlining schools' legal responsibilities in identifying and addressing these threats and provides an overview of the updated National Referral Form.
In this module, you will receive a review of the key steps to follow when reporting potential abuse situations, including how to properly document the incident and access appropriate support.
You will now take all you have learned and apply it to an assessment of your knowledge.
Schools Trust Us

"I found the course engaging and not at all difficult to understand. Practical aspects, such as logging-on and resumption were perfectly straightforward. Thank you for presenting this difficult subject in a calm and measured way."
Barbara Hart, Victoria Park Infant School

"The Safeguarding in Education course provided a vast amount of information and advice to enable me to feel more confident and knowledgeable about this subject when I am teaching or working in an educational establishment. It was easy to use with the ability to revisit previous pages if more clarification was needed. I recommend this course."
Amanda Moretta, Levenshulme High School
- Instant access to courses
- Training can be taken any time – no need for staff to even be on site
- Takes between 1-2 hours to complete
- Courses can be taken 24/7 online or on mobile devices
- Cheaper than face-to-face training
- No need to take time out of work to undertake training
- No requirements for minimum or maximum group sizes
- Retrieve centrally held online certificates at the touch of a button
- Downloadable Excel reports so you can monitor completion
- Individual, personalised certificates can be downloaded and printed
- Automated reminders when training is due for renewal
- Courses can be stopped and restarted at any point
- Course notes and resources available for the duration of certification
- Friendly, UK-based customer support centre in case you have any queries
- Regularly updated to meet legislation changes
- Regional variants available for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Provides information, scenarios and downloads specific to the education sector
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This online Safeguarding Refresher Course in Education helps education professionals remain current with the latest legislation and policy updates. It offers a streamlined alternative to the full online Safeguarding in Education course, delivering a focused review of essential child protection topics.
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