What is Level 1/2 Safeguarding Training?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Safeguarding training (sometimes referred to as child/adult protection training) is a legal requirement for many professionals who come into contact, directly or indirectly, with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults. Safeguarding training aims to protect these people from harm, recognise maltreatment, take effective action where appropriate and help improve wellbeing.
The term safeguarding and child protection are used synonymously, but safeguarding is a wider term that promotes the welfare of children and prevents and protects them from harm. The term child protection is a subset of the safeguarding process and tries to protect children who have or may suffer harm, whether this is from mental or physical abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Which sectors refer to ‘levels’ in safeguarding training?
The majority of workplace settings which need safeguarding training tend not to refer to safeguarding training in ‘levels’. The exception to this rule is healthcare who still have a clear framework which identifies minimum training and competency requirements for different healthcare roles. The framework, produced by the Royal Colleges and professional bodies, is the Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff.
In the framework, levels 1-3 relate to different occupational groups, while level 4 and 5 are related to specific roles. The document also outlines specific details for chief executives, chairs, board members including executives, non-executives and lay members. All healthcare professionals will need to refer to this framework to ensure they are trained to the right safeguarding level.
We also recommend that you always check with your Local Safeguarding Board or NHS Trust before purchasing a training course, to ensure it fulfils the expectations of your specific role.
Healthcare staff
Every member of staff in a healthcare role requires at least level 1 safeguarding training, as specified in the framework. Our online Safeguarding for Children and Vulnerable Adults, Level 1 Safeguarding for Dentists and Safeguarding Children courses covers the core competencies and knowledge requirements for level 1.
All healthcare working in a clinical capacity, and all non-clinical staff who have duties that require a more in-depth involvement with children or vulnerable adults, should take level 2 safeguarding training in addition to level 1 training. Our online Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults, Level 2 Safeguarding for Dentists and Designated Safeguarding Lead Training course covers the core competencies and knowledge requirements for level 2 as set out in the framework.
Our online courses do not extend to level 3, 4, or 5. Typically these levels are healthcare workers who have a greater involvement with children, including General Practitioners and those working in child health and specialist child paediatrics, requiring a depth of knowledge and skills that necessitates more specialist training.
Other sectors
In other sectors, the reference to levels within safeguarding training have been dropped several years ago. Although our Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults courses cover what used to be the first two levels of safeguarding training. Historically level 1 safeguarding training offered a comprehensive knowledge of the signs of abuse and neglect; level 2 safeguarding training expanded upon this, including a more detailed understanding of safeguarding legislation and procedure. Our course brings both together under the same umbrella.
Employees who often require this level of knowledge include teachers, care home staff, taxi drivers, sports coaches and those people who do social, voluntary and community roles who come into contact with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults.
Level 3 safeguarding training, meanwhile, is intended for those who take on extra, dedicated care responsibilities in their workplace. These include our Designated Safeguarding Lead Training and Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults training courses. Level 3 courses are suitable for safeguarding leads in the majority of workplaces, and those who lead and co-ordinate internal safeguarding efforts and co-operate with external services.

What information will be included in historic level 2 safeguarding training course?
An overview of your responsibilities
The course should include an overview of the responsibilities you have as someone working with children, young people and/or young adults. It should also introduce the difference between child and adult safeguarding, if you are taking a combined course.
Neglect, Abuse and the Safeguarding Basics
A level 2 course should detail the types of neglect and abuse, and other basic safeguarding knowledge also taught at level 1.
Your role as a non-designated safeguarding professional
It should outline exactly your role as someone who works with vulnerable people. What exactly should you do in the event of a safeguarding concern and what is your chain of reporting? Who do you report concerns to? Above all, it should outline your need to maintain a focus on the needs of the vulnerable person.
Effective communication
A level 2 safeguarding course should include information on how to communicate effectively to achieve best results at all stages of the safeguarding process. Information on how to handle sensitive information confidentially and how to contribute to an open culture of clear communication within your workplace.
No safeguarding course should be complete without an assessment to test your knowledge. You should only be able to receive a certificate if you have completed the full course and passed the final assessment, to evidence that you have retained the information you learned.
The safeguarding legislation
Any level 2 course should also include some detail on the safeguarding legislation within the UK and what exactly it states.
Need more help?
If you need any help or explanation, we’re more than happy to provide it. You can call us at 01327 552030, email us at hello@smarthorizons.co.uk or live chat with our customer support team.