Adding Your Training Certificates To Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a useful business communication tool and for those looking for a new job, prospective employers can easily view your profile and see what qualifications you have.
If you’ve taken training with us, you might want to add the details to your profile to let everyone know about your achievement in passing the course and the skills you now have.
It is really easy to add our certificates to your profile. If you’re using a browser to access LinkedIn and haven’t added a certificate before; select your profile and then click on the Add Profile Section drop down button. Under Background, you’ll then be able to select Licenses & certifications.
If you already have the Licenses & certifications section, simply scroll down your profile until you find it and then click ‘+’.
- First enter the Name of the course i.e. Safeguarding in Education
- For the Issuing Organisation, start typing Child Protection Company and you will see our name appear, just click on the icon
- Enter the Issue and Expiration Dates
- The Credential ID is your certificate number
- The Credential URL is our website address –
- Click Save
Your listing will look like this:

If you want to do this by using your phone/android device, sign-in to your account and follow these steps:
- Click on your profile picture and click view profile
- Click on the + icon at the bottom right hand of the screen – the blue circle with a + sign
- Scroll down and click on the Background section, then select the + icon next to Licenses & certifications
- First enter the Name of the course i.e. Safeguarding in Education
- For the Issuing Organisation, start typing Child Protection Company and you will see our name appear, just click on the icon
- Enter the Issue and Expiration Dates
- The Credential ID is your certificate number
- The Credential URL is our website address –
- Click Save
Your listing will look like this:

So now you know how to add your certificates to LinkedIn, why not look at updating your skills by taking one of our online training courses:
General Safeguarding for Adults and Children
For more information, just get in touch with our friendly customer support team by calling 01327 552030 using our online live Chat line or email us at