Safeguarding during COVID-19

Instructions on how to rollout the "Safeguarding during COVID-19" to your staff

  1. If you haven't already done so, click here to add the free Safeguarding during Covid-19 courses to your basket and follow the checkout process until you see "Welcome to Your Account" with a picture of a child.  It will default to 100 courses but please feel free to add as many as you need.
  2. To roll the courses out to your staff, click on Manage your training, change the course drop-down to "Safeguarding during Covid-19" and change Automatic Reminders to Yes. Click Exit.  With Automatic Reminders turned on, every time you add a new user, they will automatically be sent an invite email telling them how to take the training and will also receive follow-up chaser emails if they don't take the training.
    N.B. Please don't forward the original email with the link to these instructions directly to your staff, as only one person needs to register the organisation on the learning management system and then all invites for training are issued from that account.
  3. Click on Manage your organisation, followed by Bulk Add and paste a list of your users/email addresses into the box. Click Add Users. Click Continue. Click Exit.  N.B. Don't click on the "Email details to users" button, as this is not required.


Within 90 minutes an email will be sent to all of your users inviting them to take the training course.

V1.0, 7 April, 2020